Branislav Zvolensky

Hi, my name's Branislav (Bruno) Zvolensky. I was born in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1972. Until my 14 years I was a typical child listening to popular music. One time a friend of mine brought me 3 LPs of country music and it was the break point. I never returned the LPs to him and I weared them on my gramophone.
The next step to my career of a musician was to get to a guitar. I began to save money and then I bought a 3/4 cheep guitar and started to learn my first tones and chords on it.
When I was 16 I was experienced by the sound of banjo, so bought one from my friend and teacher Michal Docolomansky jr., the great banjo player and guitarist.
In this era I formed our first band Country Express which was working until my army service.
When I was in army service I met with rock thanks to my firends Vlado Bulvas and Matej Muller. I also played folk song with another friend Milos Ilencik. This era was short but very influences giving.
After the army service I went back to country and bluegrass music and we formed a new band named The Wheels. We were playing the new style for us new grass and as the main idol for us was the band New Grass Revival which paradoxically broke up in 1989 on the top of popularity.
We were playing about 2 years in the Wheels. Then the great life change came and we broke the band up. I fell in love and started my own business and ended with my great love and hobby to write and perform music.
After 4 year unsuccessful relationship I went back to music and I very slowly started compose again thanks to new era – computers which became to be able play and record music simultaneously.
In 2000, after about 2 years spending my time on the computer, composing music a spoke to some members of Country Express to do a retrospective CD with songs that we played. The CD was never done, but we decided to start again play together and we formed New Country Express. Later, we make it short N.C. Express.
The band still plays with some personal changes. From Bratislava's band we became a south-west-slovakian band because every member went to the country.
In 2001 the band released own CD Night Rider (Nocny jazdec) and in 2006 I released my own CD Laugh Again (Zase sa smej)
Actualy, I play with my friend Martin Muller and his brother Matej in a rock band too.